- Thu, Jul 14, 2005 /
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Ally's surgery went very well today. She was supposed to go into the OR at 7:45 a.m., but did not make her trip until 9:15. Ally was in the OR for about 2 hours.
She came back awake, and even gave her sister a smile. The entire surgery went well. No problems. The tubes are finally out of her throat! Even though we have seen Ally before without tubes on her face, this time was much different. I guess it just feels good to know we won't ever see her have to have tubes and tape stuck to her face.
Now that the tube is in place, we have to make sure Ally does not pull the tube out of her stomach. If she does, it means we go back to the OR. The doctors said we need a least two months of healing, and if she would pull it out then, we could re-insert it ourselves. Needless to say, Ally was only back from the OR 10 minutes, and she got her fingers caught in the tube, almost yanking it out. We need to ensure she trys none of her tricks with this tube.
The results of Ally's bronch to check her airway for any damage, turned out great! They did not see any damage to the airway or vocal cords. They also think that she does not need a longer trache. So the hope is that with these results, we can get rid of the trache for good before fall.
The liver biopsie results just came back from the lab. That news is also great!! The docotor said her liver is doing just fine. Her liver function has almost reached the normal range. It must be from all those prayers you have been sending her way. Keep them coming!
As of now Ally has been needing some pain meds, and is wanting to just sleep. As would anyone. Maybe tomorrow she will be closer to her old self.
Speaking of tomorrow, we have a family meeting at 11 a.m. to dicuss the plan of attack going forward with Ally's feedings, both with GI and transplant. The hope is to start feeding tomorrow if Ally is ready. And maybe, just maybe, coming home by next Friday or so. We will see.
We will update again later tomorrow.