Ally Heintz

Journal Entries

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Well Ally has escaped the ...


unibrower / Wednesday, September 10 2008 02:03 AM

The Best News ever!!! Hope all are doing well. We have 3 that's right 3 in college. Help me. Can't wait to see you all-Enjoy school. Love to all

Luis & Cheryl / Monday, September 8 2008 06:03 PM

Jill & Shane, It is great to read updates with more positive news than negative. If a picture is worth a thousand words, the photos of Ally at the beach with the rest of her "accomplices" speaks volumes. We know it has been difficult and some challenges remain, however your words of pain & relief, despair followed by hope, and faith are inspiring to all even to some of us that have travelled a similar path. May God bless you and the girls, and may he look over you always.

Carol Meeker / Wednesday, August 20 2008 12:28 PM

Wonderful, wonderful! We prayed for Ally and we will continue to pray for your friends. God's blessings are enormous!

Carol Yeager / Thursday, August 7 2008 03:14 PM

I am glad to hear that things are falling into place for Ally and I pray that they will keep on going that way.Please give my prayers to all who are having ill health and also give strength as you have had in the past for all that you and your family have gone through.My thoughts are allways with you for I am a kind of person that even though I havent met you and really dont know you I still feel so much for all that your daughters han your husband have gone through.God willingly that you shall be blessed for all you do and also all that you have had to come head to head with,In my book you are some lady.GOD BLESS

Kim/Angel_Wings / Wednesday, August 6 2008 07:08 PM

I'm so happy you're headed home Ally! I'm praying you continue to improve each day! Love and hugs - Kim

Cris Matlack / Wednesday, August 6 2008 05:58 PM

Continued love and support to the Heintz's and the other families in such need of a break! You all make us realize what we can do if we have to and make us so grateful for healthy husbands, wives, children and grandchildren. I count my blessings every single day. YOu all are an inspiration.

The Davidheiser's / Wednesday, August 6 2008 02:15 PM

Great News! Glad to hear the family will be together back home. Looking forward to seeing the girls at Sunday school.

The Bollingers / Wednesday, August 6 2008 11:06 AM

Great News! Keep strong Ally. Enjoy visiting all your friends. You are in our thoughts and prayers along with the families that need an extra prayer. God Bless! Enjoy what is left of the summer.

MJ/Angel_Wings / Wednesday, August 6 2008 11:01 AM

Ally I am so thankful you are well and out of the hospital. I hope you have fun visiting with your friends. I will be keeping your friends in my prayers also.

I'm glad so many of ...


Emberly / Tuesday, August 5 2008 02:52 PM

Shane I am so very proud of you. I have never met anyone who has been so committed to your family. You and Jill have a strength together that many will never know. You have both worked so very hard and have endured so very much and you both have two beautiful daughters. You are a family! You are never alone - god is with you.

steph / Sunday, August 3 2008 06:24 PM

I am so glad to hear the good news. The first thing I thought was that the trip to pgh was worth the news of being told the endocarditis was gone.. maybe that was the reason for her fevers! Just to give you good news and to hang out one on one with your sweet little girl. DOnt ever questions what you have done for teh past year. We always do our best and do what we think is right. we always got questioned too on some of our actions, or nates actions, but again like you said, we do what we feel is right. Noone is in your shoes. YOu obviously did right because you are still fighting as a family and are now on a new road at being a healthier family. YOu two are amazing parents... many couldnt do what you have done. ANd take it from nate and I that if you have gotten through all of this, everything else is a piece of cake. Many will NEVER know how to deal with all of these obstacles the rest of their lives... Hopefully none of us will have to deal with them again either! Take care. We need to get together and meet the girls... out of the city! Prayers are always with you

Kathy Buck / Saturday, August 2 2008 01:24 AM

Shane and Jill, I have been and will continue to be praying for Ally and your family. God has brought you on a long journey, and I praise God for all he has done for Ally and bringing her this far.

Carol Yeager / Friday, August 1 2008 05:34 PM

I am so very.very glad that things are starting to get back on track for all of you.God willingly that they will continue to getting better each and every day.GOD BLESS

Johanna / Friday, August 1 2008 05:26 PM

You and your entire family have been amazing and inspirational to all of us who have been privileged to know you! I honestly don't know how you could have done anything better. I know Ally could not have had more devoted parents and family and both of your girls are so amazing because of you. Continue to be awesome!

Cheryl / Friday, August 1 2008 04:54 PM

Shane, You have no idea how I brag about the many strengths that both you and Jill possess. If I turn out to be half the mother Jill is and Jerry turns out to be half the father you are, our baby will be very lucky. In 20 years of neonatal/pediatric nursing, I have never encountered a couple as strong as the two of you. You two work as a well oiled machine in regards to juggling schedules, taking care of each other and doing what is best for the girls.Never doubt your parenting abilities because in my book you deserve father of the century. I have witnessed you taking care of Ally during the not so good times and you are completely capable. What is so nice to see is a couple that takes such good care of each other. That is why Ashley and Ally are doing so well. I have seen others try to deal with sick children and they don't have the support of a loving relationship and it wears them down tremendously. It's so nice that you can now focus on a brighter future with less trials and tribulations. I didn't say no trials and tribulations for that would be unrealistic but getting your family back to home base will be a great start and a new beginning for all of you. Miss you all and pray for you daily, Cheryl

Agapegirl / Friday, August 1 2008 04:01 PM

Shane, as I read your update it brings tears to my eyes. I do not know you, have never met you but I have been praying for all of you since I first learned of your situation. I personally think you are amazing, I Praise God the Ally has had a father, mother and sister as she does not to mention the doctors and medical staff. Jesus said he would be with us always and as he ascended into heaven He promised a comforter, He went to prepare our REAL home, but while we are here in this life we must do our best along with His love, help and guidance. And you my friend and your wife have done a super job of taking care of your children. I am so glad and filled with joy with your good news and I pray for Ally's healing as well as praying for all of you as a family and as individuals. It is so wonderful to be able to take our problems to the cross and KNOW there is an answer for us and that every tribulation we go through (and I do think that you and your family have had more than your share) nevertheless Christ is always with us. Know that you are loved and prayed for and I do not believe anyone has the right to second guess either your or Jill, I think you both are wonderful and Praise God for you, may God continue to improve Ally's health and give you all the strength needed to make it through the storm, I look for a rainbow and Ally's total healing! God bless you, with love your sister in Christ. Sandy Kerr

Jen Harmer / Friday, August 1 2008 12:46 PM

It is so great to hear of your wonderful news! I am so happy for all of you! Ally and Ashley are so lucky to have such great parents.

Shari Widlund / Friday, August 1 2008 12:02 PM

I think you are a wonderful father Shane. You and Jill are two of the strongest and most loving people I have ever known. I think you have done wonderfully caring for Ally. It is a team effort...Jill could not do it without you, and you could not do it without her. Ally and Ashley are very blessed to have the two of you for parents, and Ashley as a sister. God Bless you and your precious family.

The Bollingers / Friday, August 1 2008 11:39 AM

You are "GREAT" parents and without going through what you have gone through, NO ONE can judge how you are doing. You have two happy, fun-loving children and that is because of YOU. You are doing a great job. We are happy to hear Ally is doing better. It is good that you and Ally had some Daddy-Daughter time together. You both needed that. Our thoughts and prayers are with you! God Bless!!!

Ken and Becki / Friday, August 1 2008 11:33 AM

You have overcome so much as a family, more than a lot of people will have to overcome. We can't put into words how glad we are for this relief for you and Jill, this burden lifted. Take a deep breath and enjoy your new life together. And you're right that you can get through all of life's challenges "through Christ who strengthens you" (Phil. 4:13).

Love / Friday, August 1 2008 11:02 AM

We are SOOOOO Proud of you!!!