Ally spent a few days at duPont this week seeing doctors. For the last month she has had a difficult time sleeping. Many of nights she would hold her breathe causing her monitors to alarm. So, after Thursday's meeting with the ENT doctor, it was determined that Ally needs her tonsils removed. The surgery is planned for 21st of September. Also during the surgery she will have her trache hole closed. This should be great! Ally may find she will be able to speak much clearer with this hole closed.
You would think the kid could keep at least something of her own that she was born with. Oh well, whats another surgery and a few nights in the PICU to us at this point?
No news from Pittsburgh. Just waiting for the call. Hopefully the call can wait till after the 21st.
If you haven't had a chance to get tickets to the bingo, please do so soon. Tickets are still available. Thanks again for all the support and prayers.
Bally Fire Company
Doors open at noon, Bingo starts at 1 PM
If you would like a ticket(s) please send a check payable to ALLY HEINTZ RECOVERY FUND for $20.00 per ticket along with a self addressed stamped envelope to: LuAnn Reichart, 356 Mill Street, Boyertown, PA 19512. Tickets will also be available at Bause’s Drug Store and Body-Borneman Insurance, after August 10, 2006. You can also call LuAnn at 610-367-0363 or Jill's mom at 610-367-6693 to purchase tickets.