- Thu, Aug 11, 2005 /
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Yeah!!! We finally made it home!!! Around 3pm this afternoon Ally, Ashley, Grandmom and myself, left duPont and headed straight home! Of course this was all after some more exciting events.
Shane last updated on Saturday so I'll pick up where he left off. Saturday evening we had come home to spend a night at home. We had Grandmom lined up to visit Ally Sunday morning so we didn't have to be back at the hospital until Sunday afternoon! However I wasn't thinking and decided to go grocery shopping Saturday night since we had no food in our house! This was obviously the jinx!! Sunday we got up early and went for a bike ride. When we got back home I called the hospital to check on Ally only to find out that she was very unhappy and that her liver functions had gone up yet again.
Not wanting to waste any time the docs decided to start Ally on high doses of IV steroids, again. When I arrived Sunday afternoon she was back to her normal happy Ally. Monday morning rolled around and yeah, her liver functions had started to come down again. Unfortunately they told me that they would be giving Ally a complete dose of IV steroids which meant we would have to stay until Friday. I expressed that I was very unhappy with that and after thinking things through the docs decided it was best to get Ally home and would allow me to do the steroids and IV antibiotics. This meant Ally could come home on Wednesday.
Yesterday, I arrived at the hospital, met by the transplant team informing that Ally's one liver function had skyrocketed over 1000 this was obviously concerning, however, her other two liver functions had continued to come down. This all meant that Ally needed an ultrasound to see if a bile duct had become constricted. That would mean Ally would need to have a stent placed to keep it open. Of course they could not see anything on the ultrasound so she need to go for a CT scan. The problem with a CT scan is that the patient ( if a child) usually needs to be mildly sedated or asleep so that they lie still for the scan. Ally does not sedate easily!
After her 4th dose of 2 different kinds of mild sedation meds it became apparent that Ally would not go to sleep. Now the big guns were coming out and Ally would definitely go to sleep with a little Propofol. Finally asleep, they began to inject the contrast which is used for CT scans, through Ally's central line. What should happen?? That's right, Ally's central line ruptures!!! Now we need to clamp that off and hope that it can be repaired, yet again. Also now Ally needs to have an IV started so that they can complete the CT scan. Needless to say she was now awake again and was letting everyone know that she was not happy with the many sticks that it took to start an IV.
Finally the CT scan was completed and her central line was repaired and the best news of all, the biled ducts looked okay!
Go figure, I guess we just needed a little excitement. So for now we are home and Ally is resting comfortably, We have to draw labs tomorrow but we are not scheduled to go to the hospital until August 22nd. If we make it that long! I have not gone more than 5 days without a trip to duPont since January 3rd, so I'm really looking forward to this 10 day break!
We'll keep everyone posted on any news, I shot some new video of Ally the other day so hopefully Shane can put that on the computer soon. Thanks for all the prayers during this last hospital stay it was a very long five weeks!